Journeys Advisor

The Most Unbelievable Things That Americans Believe

America, the country that gathered people from all races and beliefs, could raise generations of strong free citizens, who happen to be the weirdest ones as well!

The U.S people believe in some very bizarre things that absolutely don’t make any sense to the rest of the world. They don’t care about how wrong these beliefs are, even the obvious things, let’s say the ‘sciency’ ones.

From lizard people to the source of chocolate milk, here is a mind-blowing list of 10 weird things American citizens still believe in. Grab a snack and prepare to laugh, or to be terrified of the fact that these people are actually not kidding.

Keep reading on the following pages

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#1 – People are safe from Global warming

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© Twitter

Lately, Americans have finally started to understand the concept of global warming, but what they cannot really comprehend is that global warming will affect everything. They believe it’s going to harm the earth only, not humans. Other than that, 30% of them are very sure that it is only a natural change in the environment.

So, let’s think about all this for a second. First of all, if they believe that global warming will not affect the human race as a whole but it will -kind of- destroy the earth, then where does this air that we breathe to survive actually come from?

And the food we eat to survive? And also, is it really this great that we evolved enough to manage to survive this big change in our environment and just be able to live on a planet that is doomed? It is a very impressive belief!

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#2 – Humans and Dinosaurs lived side by side

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© Wired

We are starting to believe that people, who believe this, are way cooler than the rest of us and they present 41% of adult Americans. Dinosaurs lived on earth years and years ago and science found all pieces of evidence to prove it.

Yet, some ‘cool’ Americans believe that our ancestors coexisted with dinosaurs. And to top that, they also believe that Adam and Eve lived with dinosaurs, and they were all chilling together in the Garden of Eden. Still have room for another shock?

Because we left the best one till the end: Thousands of children are currently learning these beliefs right now at school; they also teach them that earth is only 10.000 years old. I mean, we only feel bad for scientists who spent their whole life trying to figure out the history of this planet.

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#3 – Bigfoot is REAL

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© The Michael Teachings

We all know that science gave countless proves on the big bang theory, and we also know that it gave us absolutely all reasons that Bigfoot do not exist. Well, 30% of American citizens believe in both theories. Scary isn’t it? Or maybe just hilarious!

Chapman University made a survey in 2014 to see how many adults in the United States believe in irrational theories, and the result was quite shocking. They also found that 50% of American adults do not believe in vaccines so imagine how many children are still not vaccinated.

45% believe that Satan is the biggest source of all evil on earth and he is responsible for all of it. And 33% believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attack.

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#4 – MP3 is the name of some robot in Star Wars

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© Digital Spy

That’s right! The poll of America tested the intelligence of citizens who were 18 and over and they found a decent amount of people believe that one of the robots in the famous movie Stars Wars was named MP3. Also, 11% believe that HTML stands for a dangerous weird sexual disease like the STD.

This doesn’t end here; the poll found that 18% of citizens believe that there is a weird sea creature named Blu-Ray and another 18% think that there is a European country named The Acronym USB.

And well, the poll also found that 61% believe that it’s very important to have a good knowledge of technology and computers, so here is that!

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#5 – God has a hand in the Super Bowl

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© SB Nation

Most people around the globe believe in a God and prayer to get health, money and whatever they desire. So it’s absolutely normal that they pray for their favorite team to increase the chances of their winning.

However, they are also aware that fans of the other team pray as hard as they do as well, that’s pretty obvious. But somehow they managed to believe that God, who created this magnificent universe, is in favor for their team and is taking time to help them win.

According to a questionnaire that is done shortly before the Super Bowl proved that around a quarter of Americans believe with all their heart and soul that God has a role when it comes to which team to win every year for whatever reason there is!

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#6 – Lizard people control the United States

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© Monsters & Werewolves

You read it right! Apparently, there are normal people and lizard people, and those lizard ones control the United States, because why not? And the fun part is, they believe that it’s been done secretly, even if 12 million of Americans believe in it!

Pew research center found that Judaism, one of the most practiced religions in the states, has fewer believers than those who believe in lizard people. There are around 4-8 million Jewish believers.

Not only that, it outnumbers the believers of Islam, Hindus and Buddhism combined! At the end, we just advise these lizard people to just come clean to Americans and to the rest of the world already and we suggest they create their own religion. That would be fair for the 12 million Americans!

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#7 – The media lie about Donald Trump

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The president of the United States is no stranger to the whole world; all his famous quotes and actions have reached almost every human that walks on earth. However, more than 50% of Americans believe that media is sharing fake news about their president and they are untrue!

The majority of people who believe this are Republicans (76%) and only 11% of Democrats who agree. And here is the weird part, 21% of voters said they don’t know if they are happy with this which means a quarter of those people would enjoy if the government made an action to silence any criticism they don’t like.

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#8 – Americans and their knowledge of constitution

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© Surfnetkids

Speaking of freedom; America was founded on principals and terms of independence and personal freedom. This is all Americans speak of but barely acknowledge. Multiple studies show that most Americans know nothing about the constitution and documents that this country is based on.

In the 1950s, a reporter decided in the 4th of July to hang the declaration of independence on a clipboard and told people it was a petition. From 111 people only one person recognized it and agreed to sign it while another one said that it is a Russian declaration of Independence.

Without forgetting the countless polls that found most Americans barely understand the constitution and not aware of how America works. This one isn’t at all funny; it’s only sad and somehow terrifying.

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#9 – Milk chocolate comes from brown cows

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© Business Insider

The title is self-explanatory; we really don’t need to explain much about it. Unluckily, there are 7% of adult Americans, who believe this as it was shown by the innovation center of US dairy.

There are 16 million Americans, which represents a higher number than New York population, are mostly unaware that milk chocolate is just chocolate that we add to the milk.

Furthermore, there is another study that found 20% of American citizens do not know that hamburgers are made from beef, they are not even aware of what food it is made of! As stupid as it sounds, it is very and absolutely true.

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#10 – Americans are being stalked

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The New York Times found that around 10.000 people believe that they are somehow harassed and being stalked and watched through their devices everywhere they go.

But, the study believes that the number is higher than that because those people tend to shy away from the internet and from people with lab coats who have clipboards in their hands.

It is a paranoia that makes people have a phobia from the unknown and they name it “Gang Stalking”. These people are mostly victims of their own mind that creates this big irrational fear from anything to the point that there are individuals who believe that their dog was replaced by its clone and is trained to watch each of their moves.

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