Journeys Advisor

The Most Beautiful Destinations for Solo Travelers In 2018

Everyone should experience traveling solo at least once in their lifetime, it can be one of the greatest adventures that may shape you and your mind, and definitely change your perspective.

There are many countries that deserve to be discovered even when you lack a partner and it would be a great experience to live independently.

The charm of being free and in control of your own journey is what makes traveling solo a revolutionary experience. So, don’t let anything stop you from going out there and explore the world.

Click on Next to discover the most beautiful destinations where you should travel solo in 2018

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#1 – india

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© The Telegraph

This country contains countless sites and places that are waiting to be explored. From the greatness of Taj Mahal to the breathtaking nature of Manali Tehsil, India is a gorgeous country where all the Yoga poses, the huge temples, the Kama sutra wisdom, and all the delicious spicy foods are located.

Furthermore, don’t hesitate to communicate with locals and learn from them because they won’t hesitate to talk to you as well. It is understandable to avoid doing this alone, but getting to know people with different background and beliefs is an opportunity to learn so many things about a new culture and their language as well. Just grab your bag and go practice your Namaste!


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#2 – Egypt

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© The Telegraph

The land of Pharaohs, the Nile and the great pyramids, Egypt has a rich history that is mind-boggling and it goes back to 3100 BC!

The incredible culture of this country will make your jaw drop while walking all around, contacting people, and probably taking pictures of every single thing you lay your eyes on.

After you are done mesmerizing on the huge pyramids and done asking all the questions of how they were built so miraculously, and probably starting to believe in the existence of some sort of huge aliens; you can then take a boat and drift away on the Nile River.

Now imagine being completely free on a boat that works with no motor, drifting on the Nile, and listening to some Egyptians music with strangers from all over the world. That’s the definition of a good life!


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#3 – China

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© The Telegraph

Who doesn’t love China? The country that was able to steal all the lights by its unique culture and amazing landscapes.

The language could be a barrier since only 10% of people can speak English but, of course, that does not mean we can’t grasp this situation and consider it as an opportunity to learn more than we can anticipate.

Don’t forget to visit one of the world’s great wonders, the Great Wall of China. It is the greatest man-made structure in the world and the most alluring one.

Also Chinese food, Hello! Your wallet will love you for going to China because everything is affordable, including hotels, food, and transportation. You don’t have to worry about your safety because China is definitely safe for solo travelers.


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#4 – Morocco

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© The Telegraph

The country that embraces most varied and spectacular natural wonders, from oceans, mountains, rivers, and Sahara, this country is definitely where you can have so many experiences in only one place.

Also, if you are willing to experience it all, Morocco knows how to live at night with so many great clubs and pubs in most of its cities.

So, if you are willing to head to Morocco, avoid staying in one city because you don’t want to miss walking around a city where everything is blue in Chefchaoun, the Hercules cave that holds the secret of Roman mythology in Tangier, or the central square with all the music and food in Marrakesh. Plus, most hotels are affordable and they all have a sprinkle of the unique Moroccan culture all over.


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#5 – Spain

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© The Telegraph

Spain is simply gorgeous with mountains just around the corner; you can absolutely enjoy it solo. In Spain, you always have the option to pick whether to enjoy little kisses from the sun in the paradise of the Mediterranean coast or spoil your eyes with the great cathedrals.

Furthermore, after a long day of relaxation and discovering the hidden beaches, you may want to enjoy a little drink, and they will serve you food along with it, free food! Plus, the parties in Spain are absolutely legendary. Do you still want to wait?

Buy your ticket immediately and enjoy the experience solo, and maybe along the way you will meet a Latino/Latina that will make your experience just a little bit more special.


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#6 – Africa

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© The Telegraph

There are so many things to see in Africa, and we are sure that you don’t want to miss experiencing the jungles and the exceptional green landscapes even without a partner.

It may be a little unsafe to do it completely alone, so it’s better to travel with a tour, which can also be a great idea and a great opportunity to bond with new people who share the same interest as you.

Let’s look at it from a different angle, life is way too short to visit places where you can find what you already expected, Africa though is rich with destinations that you may have never thought existed.

Plus, you will get to discover the unique and special culture and traditions that change from country to another and from tribe to another. Prepare to see the wild animals face to face, too!

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