Journeys Advisor

How to avoid flying on crowded planes

Air travel is, with no doubt, the safest and easiest way to go from one place to the other, and nowadays, with low-cost airlines, people are traveling more than ever, which is great but also has its cons. While traveling can be fun, being in an overcrowded flight can pose some dangers for your health, as you will be in close proximity to strangers who may carry viruses or other contagious diseases. Your safety should always be a priority! But worry not! There are some tips you can follow to avoid crowded flights. Buckle up!

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1. Pick the best airline

We know flight tickets are way cheaper on low-cost airlines, but the truth is that different airlines have major differences regarding sit spacing. While airlines like American and United try to sell as many seats as possible, Alaska, Southwest, Delta, and JetBlue are limiting the number of passengers per flight, as recommended at this time. If you can afford it, pick an airline that limits passenger capacity so you can safely enjoy your flight while social distancing from the other passengers.

2. Pay attention to the sitting chart

You can improve your safety by choosing the best plane seat, but how to choose the right plane seat? What are the criteria? Well, start by taking a close look at the sitting chart to see which seats are available. Try to pick a seat with a lot of room around it – front seats and back seats are great because you will have free space around you. You can also use Seat Guru, which will provide you with layouts and reviews of every seat available on a flight. And if you didn’t get the plane seat you were hoping for, no worries – you can always create an account on Expert Flyer’s Seat Alerts. This app will let you know if the spot you wanted becomes available.

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3. Buy extra space

If you are willing to do anything to ensure a safe flight, it’s time to splurge a bit. Maybe you have some traveling points saved on your favorite airline, or maybe you just have a little bit more money on your travel budget. If you can use either of those things to upgrade your seat, great. Upgrading to business class will get you an isolated seat, but if you can’t afford that luxury, you can always stick to premium economic, which will provide you with extra room for your legs. Don’t make the mistake of letting the airline assign you a random seat – picking your seat, even if it’s a regular low-cost one, will only cost you a few extra dollars, and what is that when compared to your safety?

4. Do your research

We are living through an atypical year, and it’s more important than ever to ensure your safety in any circumstance, even while traveling. Flight booking is an easy task nowadays, thanks to technology. And so it is to do some research before picking your preferred airline. Use FlySafe to do some research on the recent policies that have been implemented by airlines recently to protect their costumers’ safety. There, you will find all the information you need, from flight capacity and cabin sanitation to admission requirements and mask policies. Then all you need to do is pick the airline whose policies make you feel safe and try to be as relaxed as you can, knowing you did your best to protect yourself and others.

5. Avoid traveling on weekends

Flights tend to be less crowded in the middle of the week, so if your dates are flexible, we would advise you to schedule your flights between Tuesday and Thursday. If you must travel on the weekends, Saturday is the best day to avoid overcrowding. On top of all of this, traveling in the middle of the week is also way cheaper, so here is a chance to be safe and save some money at the same time.

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6. Choose your flight time wisely

Statistics show that the most popular times to fly during the day are early in the morning and early in the evening, so obviously those are the times you are most likely to board on an overcrowded plane. By picking a nonpeak time, you will be more likely to enjoy a safe flight, with a lot more space. And once again, flying during nonpeak times is cheaper, just like flying in the middle of the week. Another option would be booking a flight in the middle of the night. As passengers tend to be sleep during these long flights, there will be fewer people talking and walking up and down the aisles.

7. Pick an alternate airport

Of course, everyone wants to get out at the airport that is closer to their destination, but if you can choose to be safe by taking an alternate route, do it. Big airports have a lot more people coming and going every single day, which means more human interactions and more germs all over the place. Some booking websites, like Expedia, offer the possibility to consult the rates for nearby airports, which are usually cheaper as well. We hope you find these tips useful! And don’t forget to always do your best to feel safe while traveling. It is possible to enjoy this new normal. All it takes is a little bit of care, patience, and adaptation. Happy traveling!