This Is What You Can And Can’t Steal From Hotels, Planes, And Cruise Ships


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

This Is What You Can And Can’t Steal From Hotels, Planes, And Cruise Ships© pexels

After an unforgettable and unique vacation, you pack your stuff and get ready to fly back home. But, before you ever do this, you make sure that you take a special souvenir from your hotel room, plane or cruise ship that will always remind you of the good times and the nice memories.

However, what you might ignore is that there are actually stuff that you can take with you and things that you are totally not allowed to take! In fact, some hotels may charge you and deduct what you have taken from your credit card and airlines may fine you if they ever notice that you are walking off with something you are not supposed to take!

To avoid this kind of problems, you’d better click on NEXT and learn about the items that you can or can’t take!



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