10 Strange Things In Chinese Houses That Will Totally Confuse You


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

10 Strange Things In Chinese Houses That Will Totally Confuse You© Pinterest

Moving in and out from one country to another is one my true pleasures, especially to countries where cultures and traditions are very different. So one day, I booked a one-way ticket to China, packed my clothes, rented a small house online, and I was ready for my next adventure, and oh boy! It was an adventure, indeed.

I have learned so many things in China, met a lot of friendly people, and experienced a lot of incredible things. But I must say, it is so much different in China that it is ever around the whole world, especially in the countryside.

5 years ago was the first time I visit Shanghai, and today will be the first time to share with all of you the weirdest things I have noticed in Chinese homes that I still can’t comprehend. The things I saw gave me the questions that don’t let me sleep at night.

If you are interested to be as confused as me, swipe through the pages and discover the 10 strange things in Chinese homes



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