9 Sneaky Scams All Travelers Need To Know


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

The accidental ketchup on your shirt

The accidental ketchup on your shirt

© CNN.com

Scammers have developed their ways and techniques and now they are using the distraction game in order to scam you easily. They walk next to you and “accidentally” squirt ketchup or mustard on your shirt, and then they will awkwardly try to clean it up.

As you are distracted by this whole ketchup thing, their partner will sneak by and steal your bags or pickpockets you. They may also try to bump into you or ask you to hold their baby as a different way of distraction.

In any case, be aware of all scammers’ techniques before you travel abroad, and make sure to stay away from anyone who is trying to force you into talking to them, they are mostly just scammers in disguise.


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