10 Things Americans Do that Shock the Rest of the World


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

#5 – Tip Here, Tip There, Tip Everyone Everywhere

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Tip Here, Tip There, Tip Everyone Everywhere© Howlader & Co

Tipping has always been the right and polite thing to do, and everyone is aware that the waitstaff is generally paid below the minimum wage assuming that they get plenty of tips to balance it.

So not tipping can either mean that the waiter/waitress stuck their hand in your meal or you’re a horribly cheap individual. But the whole tipping process can be a bit complex to tourists because some service staff gets a couple bucks, while others need about 20%.

Some you tip, others you don’t. Or the act of tipping 10% or less to express your dissatisfaction. All this can be very confusing to foreigners. If your culture doesn’t do the tipping, look up a helpful guide on travel sites or simply throw money at anyone who talks to you politely.

#6 – The American Flag is Everywhere

The American Flag is Everywhere© Evening Standard

Houses, buildings, underwear, T-shirts, cakes, you name it! The American flag is proudly everywhere! There’s probably one near you right now…

But this is not the case in several other countries. In Europe, for example, waving a flag in public areas will be regarded as supporting the extreme right-wing of the political spectrum, while Germans are still afraid of being patriotic, particularly when it comes to flying their flag.

Other countries, such as India, don’t appreciate making flags for non-official reasons. It’s not like over-reproduction of the flag will make it less sacred!

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