The Most Horrific Cities in The World (Do not Move There)


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

#5 – Fukushima, Japan

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Fukushima, Japan© Los Angeles Times

After the energy accident that happened in Fukushima, the city is still suffering from the consequences of that old disaster. The damaged reactor is still not controlled at this moment and the citizens still have years till they get back to their normal life.

Not only that, the wild has been taking over the city, the forest is reforming and has already evolved around the city ruining many houses in addition to the wild animals that are managing to own the city as well, including the wild boars.

The weird fact is that radiation must have affected them because they became much more unafraid and aggressive than before which could make them dangerous for humans.

To top that all, after the accident, studies have shown that the radiation has caused mysterious cancer and it’s even affecting local children. But people argue that it was already an issue.

In both cases, it might be too late for the city to become a safe and a healthy environment for you to move in and for the human race in general.

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