10 of the Most Common Packing Mistakes Everybody Makes


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

#3 – Over-Packing

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Over-Packing© Odyssey

Over-packing is not a challenging task but packing properly is. You can always open that wardrobe and toss everything into your travel suitcase. Still, this is not a smart idea!

An over-packed suitcase means paying charges for the extras and not having enough space for souvenirs. But, is it even possible to travel with a light bag? The answer is a huge yes.

The first thing you should do is create a packing checklist, in which you have listed all the outfits you need depending on the things and places you are willing to visit on your vacation. You can, for example, stick to basic colors, so that you can easily mix match things together.

Try also to abide by the general rules of three tops for every bottom while you can wear the same jeans, jackets, and sweater for more than one time, and trust me no one will ever notice!

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