10 of the Most Unexpected Reasons You Could Get Flagged


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

#2 – Visiting Certain Countries

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Visiting Certain Countries© G4S Careers Centre

Some countries and regions are more notorious for drug smuggling than others. Therefore, travelers returning back home after a visit to such places should automatically expect to raise suspicion and be detained for this matter.

This might sound a bit weird but still, it makes sense. A SmarterTravel staff member said that he has once been through such an experience when he came back to the U.S through Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport.

He said that he was with his traveling partner when he was detained by customs and was taken to a small room where he had to answer a list of questions and only after the officers had all the answers that he was set free to go home with not a single explanation.

Another U.S traveler experienced almost the same thing when returning from his trip to Panama. The guy said that he was really frightened to see twenty CBP officers carefully watching everyone get off the plane.

He also adds that the officers didn’t stop there but got even closer along with their drug-sniffing dogs in order to check the luggage.

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  1. would love to see more about the cloths to wer


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