10 Of The Quietest, Darkest, And Cleanest Places In The World


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

#3 – Te Anau, New Zealand

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Te Anau, New Zealand© Wikipédia

Te Anau is like a beautiful painting that was perfectly and carefully drawn.
A picturesque where you can enjoy the walks and hear the Milford Sound. It is a great escape for the outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy more their activities in the open space of nature, as it is located at the entrance of Fiordland National Park.

The latter is also a base camp where you can enjoy counting the glittering stars in the clear dark skies. Why not even join the night tours that a small cottage industry is offering in that park.

Te Anau offers a unique and special opportunity through which you can even enjoy helicopter tours by night. However, if you are an explorer and only taste the beauty of things when you discover them on your own. Then, go ahead, what are you still waiting for?

You have three great walks to take, namely, the Fjords, Kepler, and Milford. Furthermore, Te Anau was globally tested by the World Health Organization and found to have the cleanest air worldwide.

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