The Most Incredible and Insanely Affordable Winter Destinations


Last Updated on October 27, 2020

#3 – Hawaii

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Hawaii© Trafalgar

Make sure to grab your sun cream for this one because it will be warm and beautiful. Especially in both January and February when you can ride a whale-watching cruise and enjoy the splendid sight of those magnificent creatures swimming around!

There are many other activities in Maui, Honolulu, and Oahu where you can have a blast and enjoy the sunset every day. Luckily, February will be the cheapest month to visit the islands this year.

With a flight that costs less than 750 dollars round-trip from the Northeast and less than 500 dollars from Los Angeles, you can run away from the cold and enjoy some surfing and swimming.

And to avoid spending too much during your vacation, it’s preferable to stay in hotels rather than resorts. The dream destination is now affordable for you!

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